Take a Quiz

To take a quiz, go to the desired course and click on the Quizzes link on the left-hand side.

Quizzes selected in Course Navigation

Click on the title of the quiz you wish to take.

Title of a quiz

Quiz details, including if there is a time limit and how many questions there are will be displayed on this page. Click the "Take the Quiz" button to begin the quiz.

Take quiz

Complete the quiz per your instructor's instructions. Quizzes will either have all the questions on one page or each question will be shown one at a time. There are several different question types in Canvas that your instructors may use, from True/False to Essay format. 

At any point during the quiz, you can view a summary of your quiz on the right hand side of the page. Questions you've answered will be faded out and identified by a check mark icon (1), while unanswered questions will be bolded and identified by a question mark icon (2). Along with the time the quiz will be auto-submitted (3), you will also see a timer showing your progress on the quiz. For untimed quizzes, the quiz shows the elapsed time (4). If you are taking a timed quiz, the timer shows the running time and counts down until time expires (5). 

Summary of quiz

You can flag the questions you want to go back to by clicking the flag icon next to the question (1). The flag will change color to yellow to remind you to finish the question. The yellow flag will also appear in the question overview in the sidebar (2).

Flagging a quiz question

Canvas will save your quiz as you go. If at any point you accidentally log out of Canvas or leave the quiz, you can log back in and resume the quiz from where left off (unless time ran out!).

When you are ready to submit the quiz, click on the "Submit Quiz" button.

Submit quiz


