Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus for College Life (LLS 1151)

Course Description

This course is designed to assist the first-time student in achieving academic, career, and person success.

One credit-hour.


None for this course




Tracey Barron BSN, RN






Wright 206 B

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 8-3




Course Materials

Learning Management System


Northeast uses the Canvas Learning Management System for course delivery. For direct support of Canvas through Northeast Mississippi Community College, contact the eLearning Office located on the second floor of Cartwright Hall, Booneville, MS.


Office: 662.720.7191



Textbook Requirements


Great news: your textbook for this class is available for free online!
College Success from  OpenStax (Links to an external site.), ISBN 978-1-951693-16-9


You have several options to obtain this book:

You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended -- the responsive design works seamlessly on any device.

Supporting Materials


None required for this course.

Goals and Objectives

Core Learning Objectives

Northeast Mississippi Community College has developed 5 Core Learning Outcomes for all students. Those addressed in this course are bolded:


  • Quantitative Literacy
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Digital Fluency
  • Critical Thinking



Course Objectives


  1. Establish positive study skills to build academic success
  2. Develop time management skills
  3. Demonstrate effective financial planning skills
  4. Increase utilization of academic resources
  5. Incorporate goal-setting strategies for educational and career goals


Student Objectives/Outcomes


Throughout and as a result of this course, each student will:

  1. Create a plan for exploration and implementation of positive study skills throughout the semester for classes in which the student is enrolled.
  2. Create a plan for exploration and implementation of time management skills throughout the semester.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of student financial aid principles and policies at Northeast.
  4. Complete a reflection on the student’s personal budget for the semester in which the student is enrolled.
  5. Understand the purpose and value of academic resources, including academic advising, student success center services, eLearning support, technology, College publications and initiatives, and College student support offices.
  6. Explore goal-setting strategies for educational and career goals through a personality inventory, a career exploration activity, and creation of an academic plan.

Instructional Techniques

Teaching Methods


All instruction throughout this course is asynchronous and online. This means that all material and assignments are conducted virtually through Northeast’s learning management system, Canvas. Additionally, there is no set class meeting time where students must convene for lecture. There are required assignments with fixed due dates, organized into weekly modules with associated content.

Methods of Evaluation


Students will be evaluated through multiple means of measurement. Evaluation forms include quizzes, written assignments, discussions, and projects.

This course utilizes a Pass/Fail grading scale, as follows.


Numerical Score

P (Pass)


F (Fail)


I (Incomplete)

Only with the approval of the Vice President of Instruction; reserved for emergencies.





Weight of Final Grade

Syllabus Quiz


Weekly Assignments


Academic Plan


Final Exam






Course Policies



Online courses require attendance the same as seated classes. Attendance is recorded through the timely completion of weekly assignments.


For full explanation of Northeast policies on attendance, withdrawals, and reinstatement, see the below link.


Northeast Policies on Attendance, Withdrawals, and Reinstatement


Academic Honesty


Academic honesty is a fundamental attribute of higher learning. Students who violate the principle of honesty deny themselves an opportunity to master the skills that they are credited to possess, cheat their classmates of deserved recognition, and demean the college and its degrees. It is a matter of great concern that all members of the college community strive for high standards of personal integrity.

Evaluation of each student’s level of knowledge and understanding is a vital part of the teaching process, and requires tangible measures such as reports, examinations, and homework. Any act that interferes with the process of evaluation by misrepresenting the relationship between the work being evaluated and the student’s actual state of knowledge is an act of academic dishonesty. These acts of dishonesty include but are not limited to: fraud, cheating, plagiarism, forgery, and facilitating dishonesty. (Definitions and discipline procedures may be found in Northeast Procedures Manual).


American with Disabilities Act


Northeast Mississippi Community College provides adaptations and modifications to the learning environment for eligible impaired and/or disabled students. All students with a disability, including distance learning students, are strongly encouraged to contact the ADA/Section 504 Counselor/Coordinator, Mrs. Leigh Ann Stewart, located in Wright Hall 106 at (662) 720-7192, or via email at to discuss their disability and the appropriate accommodations. Students may also contact the ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer, Mr. Ray Scott located in Ramsey Hall Room 216, or at (662) 720-7179. Students must self-identify in order to receive accommodations. NEMCC Disability Applications may be obtained from the Counseling Center in Ramsey Hall or online from NEMCC’s website at



Canvas Accessibility Statement


Title IX Policy

NEMCC is committed to complying with Title IX, a federal policy that prohibits discrimination, including violence and harassment, based on sex. NEMCC’s educational programs and activities must be free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination, sexual violence and/or harassment by any member of the campus community, you are encouraged to report the conduct to NEMCC’s VP of Student Services, Mr. Ray Scott (, or to NEMCC’s Title IX Coordinator, Ms. Liz Roark ( Additional resources are available at &


Course Communication


Students are welcome to contact me as their instructor at any time via email. Students should expect a reply within 24 hours. If a student waits until the day an assignment is due to ask for help, the instructor cannot guarantee a response before the assignment is due. Students are also welcome to contact me as their instructor during my office hours through a phone call, a video call (like Zoom), or an in-person visit. Walk-ins are always welcome.

Course Calendar























































Course Summary:

Date Details Due